Architect rambles

Some ipad & phone art buildings

If you want a design, message me where ever

Yeah i play loose with perspective

I’s time we went back to having standards for living well. By law somewhere to play football and also have a nice garden with some front garden, as it's important. A family area so whom ever cooks is not on their own. Proper places to tidy away the everyday life. Sound insulated rooms for the chores. This as the standard the basics

My grandparents post war council houses, this is what voting proper Leftwing created. These layouts would now be considered fancy, but they were standard

Dead Crystal Tulip Tower or The Poppy Seeds, all crystal ladders and floors

Three Pearls Station 2

Passengers racing

A.i. generating Horror BAR, enter if you dare.

I added the bar, the fiends are A.i. from my doodles

British Pineapple Town Centres, turn opaque when too hot, are yellow tinted for when it is dull and if you want to spoil the fun, bulge out at the top edges

British Pineapple Towns, turn opaque when it’s too hot, are yellow tinted for when it’s dull, and if you want to spoil the fun, bulge out at the top edges

British Umbrella Towns, turn opaque when it’s too hot, are yellow tinted for when it’s dull

For when the jungles and rainforests are safe to cycle


Dead Reef apartments

I can't decide, they are so different

The Shell Sailing house

Japanese J-Type Jag… they slowly right themselves when parked

Washin Up in the Woods house

Crystal Roof Mystery Bandstand

Green is free

Grow more inclusive

Smudge Car… Keep the exhaust pipes maybe

The New Allotment

Abandoned Victorian mill tower relic home

Double Jag racer, passengers racing... more cars @ SpookBePortrait

Claw House with POD limo

Challenging buildings

Get a closer look

Put the fantastic A.i. into the back flipping robots and once those robots cost less than a years wage, we can all have an art, leisure, travel, learning, inventing and sports life…

Will they design the billion $ buildings on their #madewithmobile


i added the lemon and orange cars

perhaps all A.i. art should be labelled?

I added the snowball car, really amazing this is built into my smartphone operating systems



Condemned to miscellaneous


Little lightly animated mysteries WARNING FLASHING IMAGES